World Cup hosts it's very important to understand that it's not just a FUT Coins Russian project but one for all of world football."He also dismissed criticism and corruption allegations, saying much of the claims were "PR and propaganda," but admitted that "there is a lot of work left to clear this up and to restore trus.
FIFA."___1:50 p.m.Voting has begun in the FIFA presidential election with Afghanistan filling in the first of 207 ballot papers.The first-round result is expected to be known in about two hours, with four candidates in the contest.
Tokyo Sexwale withdrew from the vote during his final speech to voters.___1:45 p.m.Tokyo Sexwale has withdrawn from the FIFA presidential vote during a lively, entertaining and unscripted speech to voters.Sexwale, who was the last of five candidates to address 207 voters, says "my campaign is suspended as of now."He pledged he is ready to serve the new president before leaving the stage to a standing ovation from many delegates.___1:30 p.m.FIFA presidential candidate Gianni Infantino switched between English.
Italian, French and Spanish as he discussed each confederation's needs directly in Cheap FIFA Coins his address to FIFA voters.The UEFA general secretary portrayed himself as a leader for the world, not just his own confederation, by saying "we have to get Europe to do much more."Infantino also defended spending pledges which have been criticized by Bahraini rival.