Andrew Wiggins has as much control over his life again as he did when he woke up this morning. But, on the bright side, at least everyone will stop asking him where he's going, even if they start asking why.I don't blame him for waiting it out: he's taking time to Madden 18 Coins make sure he's making a good decision, something I wish every person considering what amounts to a job offer could do, and he's, perhaps inadvertently, showing that virtually any big-time prospect could do the same, even if few would be quite as impervious to critique as Wiggins' talent renders him.
And I don't think I will be any less excited about Andrew Wiggins because he's not excited about talking to reporters, which I find refreshing: I, personally, know that I like knowing as much as possible about sports and the figures who are important in them, and yet Wiggins being shy has made it no harder to enjoy him and slightly easier to appreciate him as an uncommonly level-headed teenager.
Andrew Wiggins has handled a public post-Decision decision better than many prominent NBA players with more power have, and I think that's promising: if more recruits take the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune that come with being painted into the future with the indifference that Wiggins has, perhaps the people who take those shots will realize they are ultimately doing nothing of use, and help make the process of young people deciding on their paths a little more sane.
I thought Wiggins prized his small circle and his privacy more than anything else, thought his parents would be happiest with him attending their alma mater, and thought he would more comfortable with Rathan-Mayes at his side than at any of his other finalists. And so I'm a Buy NFL 18 Coins little stunned that Wiggins picked Kansas, but I'm happy for him: I have come to respect his process as much as his play, and because
I want him to be happy.After all, my selfish interest in being right about Wiggins doesn't matter. It's far more important to me to enjoy Andrew Wiggins than to worry about whether I've read him right. And I sure hope that will be true of the rest of the college basketball world, too.