Tiger Woods is golf’s version of Zelig -- ubiquitous and overtly or not so obviously a part of almost every golf story written. So it really should not come as MUT 18 Coins much of a surprise that the world No. 1 has made a cameo appearance in the future made-for-TV soap opera that is the Donald Sterling scandal.No, Woods has not gone public with (nor been asked to comment on, as far as we know) his opinions about the racism andoverall awfulness of the Los
Angeles Clippers owner finally coming to light, as have Tiger’s golfing buddy Michael Jordan and LeBron James, among others. Donald Sterling Fallout The Real IssueTom Ziller•Adam Silver deserves credit for fixing this specific issue, but we're not even at the starting line on the broader concern. Donald Sterling Fallout The Real IssueBut with advertisers like Kia Motors America, Red Bull, and State Farm -- all current or former sponsors of PGA and/or
LPGA Tour events and players --backing away from the Clippers in the wake of the national firestorm Sterling ignited with remarks he allegedly made in arecorded conversation with a woman, observers are quick to harken back to the companies that dropped Woods following his personal Waterloo."Still fresh in the minds of sports fans is the Tiger Woods scandal that caused multiple sponsors to end their relationship with the golfer after news broke of his multiple affairs,"Tim Parker wrote for Benzinga.
Some, like theAssociated Press’ Marly Jay offered that "many sponsors stood by golfer Tiger Woods after he acknowledged infidelities and went to rehab for sex addiction."Others have noted Woods’ career-long reluctance to engage in social commentary, even after being the butt of Buy Madden NFL 18 Coins offensivefried chicken jokes fromFuzzy Zoeller and Sergio Garcia and angry,racially charged remarks from his ex-caddie Steve Williams.ESPN’s Michael Wallace chalked up https://www.mmogo.com/